Poker Tutorials Advanced

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  1. Poker Tutorial Advanced
  2. Poker Tutorial Advanced

Poker is one the most widely played card games in the world.

There are many variations of poker and people play the game in hope of winning some large cash by beating other human opponents.

You play against other minds in this game and if you are good enough you could end up taking part in the World Series of Poker which is a multi-million dollar event.


Before you start dreaming of the big bucks, you need to know how to play the game.

The game itself is not very hard to learn, as an old adage goes that poker is very easy to learn but difficult to master.


Here are some of the poker tutorials you should go through to learn the game and learn some of the techniques involved in playing the game.

Check out: Learn How to Play Poker Like the Pros and Win All the Time

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Texas hold’em Poker

This is the most popular version of the game. The site mentioned above is a great place to start to learn about this version of poker.

The site has a complete tutorial guide as to how to play the game of poker. They even have dedicated pages to help beginners who are just starting to play the game.

Everything exists here from “when to bet” in a game right up to the great tactic of “bluffing”. No stone is unturned in providing information related to Poker.

Apart from the tutorials, the site also has other great features like a directory of all poker player names, casinos etc.

They even have a poker forum where you can discuss any issues you have.

Mike Caro

It is always a good idea to visit a site for a tutorial from a great in the poker scene.

Mike Caro has written many books for poker enthusiast and this site is no less helpful with most of the information coming for free.

The great thing about this set of tutorials is the fact that there are video tutorials apart from the written text tutorials.

There are not only tutorials as to how to learn the game but what strategies can be adopted while playing the game.

As per the norm, this has a forum which lets you connect with the smartest minds online to help solve queries.

For other poker variations

While you may learn about Texas Hold’em from one of the above links, there are many variations to the game of poker.

This site has great tutorials for all the different variations of poker, like Seven card stud, Omaha Poker, Razz Poker and No Limit Holdem.

It also has various strategy guides for Tournament and Sit n go games. The good thing about this tutorial is that it is text heavy, so everything is explained.

The lack of visuals and graphics showing the situations is a sore point and could have been addressed better in the site.

Free tutorials

Apart from the above, this site has some of the best tutorials around for all your queries.

This site has strategies for everything, from how to play the game at a basic level to managing your money while you are at the table.

The site does seem cluttered at the first glance but once you dig deep into the site and spend some time then this is a landmine of information and strategies. The best part is all that you require regarding poker is free on this site.

For those who have no knowledge about the game, there even is a rulebook to learn about the game. Forums, blogs and interesting articles about the game are also prevalent on the site for free, of course.

Good user interface

Some of the tutorials and sites mentioned above are not very user-friendly.

The site may be too confusing to actually get a clue about anything.

You should start from as the website is very clean and streamlined.

Apart from the rich detailing of all the types of poker and strategies that are used.

There is an index of poker videos from the World Series of Poker, which is of great viewing as you get to see what the professionals do during gameplay.

The site also has a guide to all the major events which are being played and provides an idea of the various events on play.

Video tutorials

While most of the tutorials are text-based and graphic based, there is nothing better than having the option of viewing a video of what to do in the game.

Poker school online provides users with free videos for poker related tutorials and they run on almost every web connection.

The site is clean and well maintained and the videos load up instantly without any slowdown.

The videos are well explained and quite lengthy too, with the first video “The early stages” running for close to 50 minutes!

Do invest your time in this tutorial as nothing works better than video for some users.

There are many books out there also to help you learn about poker and how to play the game.

That does come at a hefty price though, so why invest in having the paperback when you could get all the information you need to play your poker games for free!

The above sites are just some of the tutorials around, there are other sites as well which can help you get what you need.

Youtube is a great source to learn about poker and has some excellent tutorials which can help you learn more about the game.

A piece of advice for all the users is that practice makes perfect.

Once you get an idea of how to play the game, the only way you could learn from the tutoring is to play the game yourself.

Then you learn more about tells, bluffs and other strategies which can be applied to the game.

Poker Tutorial Advanced

These tutorials are just one small step to get you playing the game of poker.

Poker Tutorial Advanced

Read more: Poker School: 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Stop Learning Poker