Most Insane Poker Hands

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  3. Most Insane Poker Hands Caught
  4. Most Insane Poker Hands

One of Most Insane Hands in WSOP History In what surely is one of the most insane hands in WSOP main event history, Van Tran keeps his nerves under control and makes the call. His opponent Benjamin Alcober should have thought about what he can actually represent on the river. Insane Poker Heads Up Battle FOR $800,000! Help us to 200K Subscribers - Turn on the 'đź””' to get notifications for new uploads!

Cooler in Poker is often the most ridiculous way to loose a hand, simply because you are not loosing the hand by a wrong play but because of how the community cards come out. So here are some of the most insane Coolers ever in Poker. Va nessa Rousso cools down Tony G in this dramatic hand: The Big Game. While Chris Moneymaker’s win in the 2003 World Series of Poker may have inspired us all to get in the game, this compilation might just have the opposite effect. Take the epic that starts at the. Two of the most INSANE poker FLOPS ever seen! - Amazing Poker. Sections of this page. TOP 3 LUCKIEST STRAIGHT FLUSH POKER HANDS EVER! - Amazing Poker.

Mo Nuwwarah

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While most of the focus on GGPoker for both players and observers has been on the ongoing World Series of Poker bracelet events, high-stakes cash action has been popping as well.

Never was that more clear than on Monday, when a wild hand went down, one that wouldn't have looked out of place in a James Bond movie scene.

Crazy Three-Way All-In Pot

The game in question was $200/$400 six-handed no-limit hold'em with a $100 ante all around to spice things up. There was even a straddle for $800 from under the gun to further juice the preflop pot.

'ManoloLama' opened things up second to act with a raise to $2,000. 'Apustaja' called on the button, as did Leon Tsoukernik in the small blind. Big blind Luuk Gieles was ready with a three-bet to $12,600. From the straddle, Alexandros Kolonias wanted to play for even more and shoved for $38,800. 'ManoloLama' stuck in their $48,550.

At this point, 'Apustaja' and Tsoukernik decided the action was too much for them, so they let their hands go. Gieles, however, was in there with a quick call covering both of his all-in opponents.

Most Insane Poker Hands

Gieles: (66.92%)
Kolonias: (17.89%)
'ManoloLama': (14.69%)

According to the PokerNews odds calculator, Gieles rated to take the $140K pot down more than two-thirds of the time with his aces.

However, the GGPoker RNG had a different outcome in mind as the board ran to give 'ManoloLama' a full house.

Aces over kings and queens is a rare occurrence, but not once-in-a-lifetime by any means. What made the hand more wild was the other hands involved. GGPoker lets players who folded show their cards, and Tsoukernik revealed he'd held , while 'Apustaja' showed they'd released . Both players would have made straights only to see an even more massive pot shipped to 'ManoloLama.'

Here's how the odds would have shaken out had everyone stayed in the pot:

Gieles: (50.47%)
Kolonias: (16.48%)
'ManoloLama': (12.79%)
Tsoukernik: (13.31%)
'Apustaja': (5.54%)

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The cards are in the air in the GGPoker WSOP Online. The PokerNews live reporting team is on top of all things WSOP. Don't miss a beat!

Nosebleed Action Galore

While that $200/$400 pot may be a special occurrence, there's certainly been no shortage of high-stakes action in recent days on GGPoker. In fact, the site has been consistently hosting some nosebleed action that would make the fans from the old Full Tilt days feel right at home.

Not only has $200/$400 no-limit hold'em been running on occasion, but nearly every day, there has been action at the $200/$400 pot-limit Omaha table. In fact, there's usually been a full table worth of players willing to battle at those lofty stakes. Marcello 'lazyexpress' Marigliano, Timofey Kuznetsov and Wiktor Malinowski have been some of the regs in the games.

The latter, known and feared as 'limitless' for years in the highest-stakes games on PokerStars, has been sitting at all of the biggest games on the site daily, waiting for action with $80,000 in front of him at $200/$400.


Most Insane Poker Hands

He's had several sessions battling heads up with Tsoukernik where the players straddled back and forth until they were playing $1,600/$3,200. Seeing a $300,000 stack hasn't been uncommon, and some pots have gotten near the $600K mark.

For those looking to watch or play the biggest poker games online, GGPoker appears to be the place to go right now.

Sign Up for a GGPoker Account Through PokerNews

If you want to play in the WSOP 2020 Online on GGPoker, you'll need to sign up for an account. By downloading GGPoker via PokerNews entitles you to a welcome bonus worth up to $600. Your first deposit is matched 200% up to a maximum of $600, setting you up nicely in time for the WSOP Online.

The bonus releases into your account in $10 increments each time you earn 6,000 Fish Buffet Points, which is the equivalent of $60 in rake or tournament fees.

Most Insane Poker Hands Game

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There are often interesting or down right bizarre hands played out at poker tables around the world, both online and live. From horrific bad beats to perfectly timed bluffs, poker has it all.

Not all hands are equal, however, some deserve a place in their own Hall of Fame, which is why PokerNews has looked through the history books and come up with a list of five poker hands that will always have a place in our hearts.

Doyle Brunson’s WSOP Main Event Winning Hands

The World Series of Poker was only in its seventh year in 1976, yet it featured one of the most memorable hands of all time. While heads-up in the Main Event against Jesse Alto, Doyle “Texas Dolly” Brunson called a raise with ten-deuce of spades; Alto held an unsuited ace-jack.

On an ace-jack-ten flop, Alto bet the size of the pot and Brunson moved all in. Alto called and was a huge favorite to double his stack. A deuce on the turn improved Brunson to a still second best two pair, but another ten on the river gifted Brunson a full house, the title of champion and $220,000 in prize money.

The following year, Brunson found himself heads-up in the WSOP Main Event against Bones Berland. Both players went to a ten-eight-five flop in a limped pot and checked. The turn was a deuce, Brunson bet, Berland raised all in and Brunson called.

It was eight-five for Berland against ten-deuce for Brunson. The river was a ten, improving Brunson to a full house and winning him $340,000 and back-to-back WSOP Main Event titles.

Amazingly, Brunson almost made it three WSOP bracelets won with ten-deuce but he was one pip out in 2005 when he won his 10th bracelet with ten-three.

Chris Moneymaker’s Bluff Against Sammy Farha

All eyes were on an accountant named Chris Moneymaker when the 2003 World Series of Poker Main Event was heads up. Moneymaker had won his seat to the $10,000 event via a $38 satellite on PokerStars and was now vying for a $2.5 million prize with seasoned pro Sammy Farha.

Moneymaker went on to beat Farha to show that anyone can beat the best at poker if Lady Luck is on their side, but it could have been a very different story had the following bluff not worked.

On a flop, Farha held for top pair and Moneymaker, , for nothing but king-high and a backdoor flush draw. Farha checked and Moneymaker checked behind. The turn made things interesting because it gave Moneymaker an open-ended straight draw and a king-high flush draw.

Farha led for 300,000 only to see Moneymaker raise to 800,000. Farha called and the dealer put the onto the river. Farha checked and Moneymaker moved all in, covering Farha’s stack.

“You must have missed your flush draw, huh?” quizzed Farha.

Despite correctly guessing Moneymaker’s hand, Farha eventually mucked, Moneymaker raked in the huge pot and the ball was firmly in his court.

Daniel Negreanu Versus Gus Hansen

High Stakes Poker may no longer grace our television screens, but while it did, it was one of the best and most exciting poker shows as it allowed us mere mortals to get an insight into the world of high-stakes cash games.

One hand in particular stands out from the crowd, one involving a cooler of a hand when Gus Hansen and Daniel Negreanu clashed at a $300/$600/$100a hold’em game.

Hansen raised to $2,100 with , Negreanu raised to $5,000 with and Hansen called. An action-inducing flop of saw Hansen check, Negreanu bet $8,000 and Hansen check-raise to $26,000. Negreanu called.

The turn was the , giving Hansen quads. Hansen bet $24,000 into the $63,700 pot and Negreanu called. The completed the board and Hansen checked his quads. Negreanu bet $65,000.

“I’m all in,” announced Hansen.

“Huh?” was a puzzled Neagreanu’s response.

Most Insane Poker Hands

The pot was now $408,700 and Negreanu eventually called, gifting a massive $575,700 pot to Hansen.

A Pot of More Than $1.1 Million

The biggest cash game pot on television was contested by Tom Dwan and Phil Ivey and went the way of the former. Dwan, Ivey and Patrik Antonius were playing three-handed in the Full Tilt Million Dollar Cash Game and Dwan opened on the button with , Ivey three-bet to $23,000 from the small blind with and only Dwan called.

A flop saw Ivey lead for $35,000 into the $49,500 pot; Dwan called. The turn was the which gave both players a straight, but Dwan the nuts. Ivey fired a bet of $90,000, Dwan made it $232,600. Ivey moved all in and Dawn instantly called.

“Wow,” said a dejected looking Ivey as he saw Dwan’s hand. A meaningless on the river won Dwan the hand and he got busy stacking $1,108,500 worth of poker chips.

Patrik Antonius Versus Viktor Blom

On Nov. 21, 2009, Antonius and Viktor “Isildur1' Blom played for what is still the largest cash game pot in online poker history.

It was a $500/$1,000 heads-up pot-limit Omaha game that started with a raise to $3,000 by Blom, a three-bet to $9,000 by Antonius, a four-bet to $27,000 by Blom, a five-bet to $81,000 by Antonius and a call from his Swedish opponent.

Most Insane Poker Hands Caught

A rather innocuous flop reading saw Blom check, Antonius bet $91,000 only for Blom to make it $435,000 to continue. Antonius responded with an $870,000 raise and Blom called off his last $162,474 stack. The turn was followed by the river and Antonius claimed the $1,356,946 pot, courtesy of his which trumped Blom’s .

What is the most memorable hand that you remember? Let us know in the comments box below.

Most Insane Poker Hands

  • Tags

    Chris MoneymakerDaniel NegreanuDoyle BrunsonGus HansenHigh Stakes PokerFull TiltIsildur1Million Dollar Cash GamePatrik AntoniusPhil IveyViktor BlomTom DwanSam Farha
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    Daniel NegreanuPhil IveyDoyle BrunsonChris MoneymakerGus HansenTom Dwan